Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All about shadow woman

My partner and I set out to talk about the hero we wanted. She had to be humble and selfless. Always in every shadow, she is of average age and always ready to help. Our hero has all knowing powers to help others.
So next we went looking for images to help us. We wanted a shadowy background and a woman to start with. We found a lot we liked, making it hard to decide. Working with two different backgrounds and two women we cut and pasted them having to flip the woman’s images to face in the right way. After doing that we drew cloaks around the woman with the drawing tool and filled them with the paint tools. Then we took the smudge and smear tools to make it look as if she was coming out of the shadows. It took many, many, tries to get it the way that we wanted.
Finally we chose the one with the all knowing sphere in hand to make as the hero. We found it hard at times to figure out how to do something but we kept trying. We hope to finish the story of the shadow woman who does not get it right every time. Sometime she mixes things up a little.

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